Our Sustainability Framework
Emissions and Key Environmental Issues
Supply Chain
Community Initiatives
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Circular Models
Service Offerings
Returns Policy
SimplyClean Australia has made significant progress across its operations towards minimising environmental harm: - We reuse over 95% of empty returned containers. - 85% of our bottles are made from 100% reused plastic. - Over 99% of packaging is made in Australia, reducing miles. - Wastage of finished product is near to zero. New techniques allow us to extract every drop. - Packaging waste in production has reduced by 90% and 50% for landfill waste. - All soft plastics are recycled through the Bin Trim Program (similar to RedCycle but for business). - We’ve reduced lighting energy consumption by 54% over 2 years in our factory, warehouse and office. - We are 100% GreenPowered - We have initiated a water capture programme for post-manufacture wash water and are currently in the testing phase for water recycling. - Our consumer packaging makes use of former waste, as we shred all product label backing paper and reuse it as packing fill. Packing tape has converted to a biodegradable product. - We have reduced our use of plastic pallet wrap by 50%. - Broken wooden pallets are donated to local pallet maker and used to build new pallets. - All incoming metal drums and plastic barrels are repurposed and reused in our farmers.
SimplyClean Australia has made significant progress across its operations towards minimising environmental harm: - We reuse over 95% of empty returned containers. - 85% of our bottles are made from 100% reused plastic. - Over 99% of packaging is made in Australia, reducing miles. - Wastage of finished product is near to zero. New techniques allow us to extract every drop. - Packaging waste in production has reduced by 90% and 50% for landfill waste. - All soft plastics are recycled through the Bin Trim Program (similar to RedCycle but for business). - We’ve reduced lighting energy consumption by 54% over 2 years in our factory, warehouse and office. - We are 100% GreenPowered - We have initiated a water capture programme for post-manufacture wash water and are currently in the testing phase for water recycling. - Our consumer packaging makes use of former waste, as we shred all product label backing paper and reuse it as packing fill. Packing tape has converted to a biodegradable product. - We have reduced our use of plastic pallet wrap by 50%. - Broken wooden pallets are donated to local pallet maker and used to build new pallets. - All incoming metal drums and plastic barrels are repurposed and reused in our farmers.
All SimplyClean products are: - Biodegradable - Grey water safe - Septic safe* - Certified Cruelty-free & Vegan - Palm oil free - Toxin and sensitiser free - Free from SLES and SLS, parabens, PEGs, mineral oils, CDE and CMIT/MIT. Our Powered by Oxygen range uses the natural power of hydrogen peroxide to clean, and kill mould & germs, which then fully biodegrades to water and oxygen. We use pure Australian essential oils, giving our products a boost from nature.
SimplyClean Australia has supported local charity, Friends of the Koala since 2017. Five cents from every SimplyClean purchase you make goes to support the rescue and rehabilitation of koalas that are injured, sick or orphaned. Friends of the Koala care for 50% of rescued koalas in NSW. Each year, the money raised from SimplyClean sales is enough to raise 18 orphaned koala joeys. We have donated over $65,000 so far.
We are a small team and have a commitment to equality and inclusion. We value, amongst many other things Fairness ● Flexibility ● Initiative ● Integrity ● Hard work Ongoing improvement ● Quality ● Loyalty ● Respect We will employ any person who is competent or can become competent in their work, and who is accepting and respectful of their teammates. We enjoy having a diverse team, from across the community spectrum, and celebrate and learn from the differences in us all, whether it be heritage, neurodiversity or favourite pastime.
You may return most new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery. They must be returned in saleable condition. If the return is as a result of our error – i.e. incorrect or defective item this must be reported to us within 14 days of receipt and you will receive a full refund. If you decide to keep the product, we will issue a store credit. If you prefer to return, we will pay the return shipping costs. If you are cancelling an order or returning products because you have changed your mind, we will issue you a refund minus a 2.5% charge. This will cover the payment processing fee we have paid to a 3rd party company. If it is a large order, we will also charge an unpacking and restocking fee of up to 4%, or $5, whichever is the greater and reflects the work required. If you initially elect to collect an order from our warehouse but subsequently do not collect it, we will remind you by email and text message. If you live at a distance, we will happily send your order after payment of any shipping cost that applies. If you do not collect or pay postage for your order and we do not hear back from you, we will return stock to our shelf after 1 month.
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